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Data Privacy Laws: Who Owns Data?

May 28, 2020 — Summit Hosting

So, you're well on your way to moving your business to the cloud. You've figured out how to go mobile, serve your clients and...
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5 Reasons Your Business Needs Single Sign-On

May 28, 2020 — Summit Hosting

Quick show of hands: have you ever experienced problems with the passwords you need at work? Most of us have. Whether it’s forgetting some...
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Does My Business Need Cyber Insurance?

March 31, 2020 — Summit Hosting

Yes, there's one more thing you need to worry about as a small- or medium-sized business owner, and it's not the fact that you...
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How Do Dedicated Servers Help Keep Data Safe?

February 14, 2020 — Summit Hosting

When comparing dedicated servers to shared server environments, security in a dedicated setting reigns superior – which is important to keep in mind as...
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How Cybercriminals Profit: 7 Things They Are After

January 14, 2020 — Summit Hosting

Some things that cybercriminals are after are obvious: social security numbers, dates of birth, customer names, credit card numbers. Others may surprise you. Criminals...
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11 Cybersecurity Essentials For Small Businesses

December 4, 2019 — Summit Hosting

11 Cybersecurity Essentials For Small Businesses Cybercriminals are always chasing after business data. If you have not given cybersecurity any thought until this moment,...
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7 Ways to Help Keep Your Data Safe

August 19, 2019 — Summit Hosting

7 Ways to Help Keep Your Data Safe. The rapid expansion of technology has resulted in countless benefits that have made our lives much...
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