Why Us

Summit E1647546952776

Discover why Summit Hosting is right for you

You don’t become one of the largest providers of QuickBooks hosting and Sage hosting in North America just by sitting around – you have to be dedicated to honing your services, and we certainly are. With 15+ years of hosting experience, Summit Hosting’s expertise delivers customized solutions to keep our customers happy by saving you time, effort and money while helping your businesses grow.

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What You Need

A secure, cost-effective cloud-computing solution that enhances your remote accessibility; a cloud hosting provider with quality customer support that removes IT roadblocks.

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Where To Turn

There are hundreds of hosting companies out there but it’s hard to tell which will deliver where it counts: eliminating headaches at a cost that saves you cash.

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Our Expert Solutions

We’ve spent over a decade developing bullet-proof products and services that go above and beyond to deliver incredible performance and peace-of-mind security.

At Summit Hosting, we take pride in doing things quite a bit differently from other providers you might stumble across on the web. We only offer dedicated servers for cloud hosting instead of shared environments so you can enjoy unlimited resources, install the applications you need, manage your software updates, reboot your server and more. Better yet? Our pricing for dedicated server hosting is the same as what competitors are charging for shared environments, and it’s a fraction of the cost of on-premises hosting.

We're better

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99.99% Uptime

We're proud to have a 99.99% uptime and provide service level agreements with one-year contracts.

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24/7/365 Tech Support

Our team is staffed with experienced engineers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (plus that extra day during leap year) to provide the support you need. Our average time to respond and resolve an open support ticket is less than 10 minutes.

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Dedicated Servers

After years of research, we found that dedicated servers are the only environments that consistently meet our high customization, performance and reliability standards. So, you’ll never end up in a shared server farm with Summit Hosting.

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SSAE 18 Certified

Our servers are currently SSAE 18 Certified. We're happy to provide audit reports upon request.

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Top Encryption Technology

We understand that your data is incredibly important, so we use Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates (The Green Bar) from Digicert - this ensures you have the highest protection possible.

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2-Factor Authentication

In addition to our premier security measures, we offer an option to add an extra layer of security to your account at sign-on for just $10 / month per user.

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Customer Referral Program

We genuinely appreciate our customers, which is why we offer an awesome referral program! When a current customer refers a friend who signs a one year hosting contract with us, both parties will get a $100 gift card.

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VPNs Available

Many, but not all, hosted applications require a VPN. Unlike other cloud hosting providers, we have the ability to provide a VPN for your specific application.

We're trusted

Unlike other hosting companies out there, we go one step further to learn the applications we host for our customers. Why? It’s important for our engineers to fully understand how an application works so they can answer your questions, determine what’s going on if an issue arises and quickly resolve the problem.

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Intuit-Certified Hosting Partner

We are one of the largest Intuit hosting partners in North America, with thousands of users in the U.S. and Canada.

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QuickBooks-Certified Experts

Many of our Engineers are certified on QuickBooks. This knowledge helps you, the customer, if problems in the application arise.

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Sage-Certified Hosting Partner

Summit Hosting is a Sage Partner and works directly with Sage. More Sage customers and partners recommend us over any other hosting company.

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SSAE 18 Certified

Our servers are SSAE 18 Certified! Our team is happy to provide audit reports upon request.

We're supportive

Real Help From Real People

When you contact Summit Hosting, you’ll always receive a response from a real person. You won’t find any automated support here.

OS Patching and Updates

We handle all of the server operating system updates so you don’t have to worry about maintaining a server! We also test each update before it goes live to ensure it doesn’t negatively affect your server.

Limitless Growth

We’re in it for the long run so you’ll never have to worry about outgrowing us. Our solutions are powerful enough to run your business now and flexible enough to shift as your unique needs change while your company grows.

Android, Windows and iOS Access

With Summit Hosting, you can access your data from a remote desktop using any device, including Mac, Windows, Android and iOS.

We Host Third-Party Applications

We’re able to host and integrate any 3rd-party application on the market as long as it meets our guidelines – simply ask a member of our team about the application you need.

Nightly Backups Retained for 15 Days

We automatically backup your data each night and retain these backups for 15 days. We have the ability to hold backups for longer if needed; however, most customers choose the latest backup. Also, we never charge to restore files for our active customers.

Multi-Secure Login

Easily share your data safely and securely with your accountant, bookkeeper, business partner or colleagues from anywhere, anytime.

Server Redundancy

To ensure maximum uptime, our servers are fully redundant. This means if one fails, the other server will kick in so you can keep working without interruption.

Remote Backups for Disaster Recovery

We hold all copies of backups in a secure, remote data center. Each night, these backups are encrypted and duplicated in our storage vault for disaster recovery, if needed.

Our Physical Plant is Rock Solid and Secure

Summit Hosting provides the best new technology for our customers and own all of our reliable equipment. We currently use Windows 2016 and 2019 servers in our environment, and only use solid state drives (SSDs) for storage.